Modifying Security Groups

Only the Admin user or users with Security Manager rights may access Security Manager.

To modify a security group:

  1. Click the Tools menu; then, select Security Manager.
  2. Click the Groups tab.

Security Manager (Groups tab)

  1. Select the group to be modified.
  2. Click Modify.

To change the Group Name or Description:

  1. In the Modify Group dialog box, edit the Group Name and/or Description as desired.
  2. Click OK.

To add actions to a group:

  1. In the Modify Group dialog, do one of the following:
  2. Select the desired action(s) in the Available Actions pane; then, click Add --> to move the selected action(s) to the Group Actions pane.
  3. Click Add All --> to move all Available Actions to the Group Actions pane.
  4. Double-click desired actions in the Available Actions pane (one at a time) to move them to the Group Actions pane.
  5. Click OK when all desired actions for the new group appear in the Group Actions pane.

To remove actions from a group:

  1. In the Modify Group dialog box, do one of the following:
  2. Select the desired action(s) in the Group Actions pane; then, click <-- Remove to move the selected action(s) to the Available Actions pane.
  3. Click <-- Remove All to move all Group Actions to the Available Actions pane.
  4. Double-click the desired action(s) in the Group Actions pane (one at a time) to move them to the Available Actions pane.
  5. Click OK when all actions to be removed from the group appear in the Available Actions pane.

Remaining Group Actions will still be available to the group.


See Also:

Creating a New Security Group

Deleting Security Groups